Everyone knows that Russia is the land of Vodka, but did you know that Russia has hundreds of vodka brands to choose from? and that some of them are flavored with herbs, fruits or with honey? if this interests you, keep reading.
The "In Your Pocket" Moscow free guide claims that the best Russian vodkas are Russky Standart Platinum, Diplomat and Marusya and that the cheapest ones are, Sibirskaya, Korona and Zolotaya Bochka .
If you want to buy vodka while in Moscow, go the local supermarket (there is one right around the corner from our layover hotel), or to the Gourmet Russian Supermarkets, like Gum Gastronom located inside the GUM department stores, or to the Duty Free shops at the airport.
The supermarket will be your cheapest option, but the selection is limited. Duty Free shopping is more user friendly, because the sales people speak English and the selection is better than the supermarket, but don't expect to see hundreds of options there either. For a greater selection of upscale brands of vodka, head to the The Gourmet Supermarkets, but expect to pay more.
I saw a colorful selection of "flavored vodkas" that may interest you, in a Duty Free shop at the airport. They sold individual bottles for $6 to $12 dollars a piece or pre-packaged sets of five small bottles (each of a different flavor) for $8 dollars a set. This set is a nice option if you're interested in sampling the different flavors. Some of these flavors are cranberry, honey, honey chilly and birch (picture enclosed).
I also spotted some cute Matroshka Doll shaped Vodka bottles (photo enclosed) in the same Duty Free Shop at the DME airport. This shop is the first one on your right, after the the security check point and immigration. These bottles were not only attractive, but they were unusual because of their shape. However, their price was high. Each bottle sold for $29 dollars. Quite a bit more than all the others. Oh well.
Next time you're in Moscow, take some time to check out the Russian vodkas and let me know what you find. If you discover anything interesting, let us know, so we can share it with our readers. Send your story to us at postcards@me.com and we will publish it in our next post.
For additional information about Vodka, click on the enclosed link by Wikipedia. Vodka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Enjoy and Nastrovia!
Flavored Russian Vodkas
0 comments2/14/10
Get Your Meds In Buenos Aires
Ok ladies and gentlemen, you can get your meds in Buenos Aires at The Farmacia Nuevo Puerto II in Puerto Madero, located at 146 Ave Alicia Moreau de Justo, between Viamonte and Tucuman Street.
Just ask for Ramiro Alvarez, the owner and pharmacist of this Farmacia. Better yet, send him an email ahead of your trip so he can have your order ready for when you arrive in Buenos Aires. His email - jralvarez@fibertel.com.ar
Don't forget to include in the email your name, the airline you're affiliated with, the date of your arrival and the medication and quantity you wish to purchase.
Remember, some medications will need a prescription and some won't, but most, if not all, are definitely cheaper in Buenos Aires that in the United States.
If you visit the Farmacia, which is a short walk away from the hotel - ask for directions from the concierge - check out the nice selection of imported French slimming creams that are all the rage among Argentinian women for loosing weight. My local friends swear by them! You can also get shots of vitamin B12 (supposedly wonderful for neural connections and energy administered at the Farmacia) and the ever popular sleeping pills Somit, a similar brand than the American Ambien.
Do you have any recommendations about good locations around the world where we can obtain our meds? if so, please share this with us and we will publish it for all to know. Send your posts to postcards@me.com
Thank you in advance! Hope this helps!
Posted by
lizzie from the air...
3:38 PM
Labels: Buenos Aires, Did u Know?, Health
Avoiding Credit Card Fraud While Abroad
Have you ever looked at your Credit Card bill before signing it when you're abroad? You should. Vendors sometimes print the complete series of numbers from your credit card on your credit card bill, so you better start looking.
My husband and I went out to dinner recently while on a trip to Buenos Aires. When the bill arrived, my husband reviewed the bill and payed with his AMEX card. When the waiter returned with the credit card bill, he discovered that his full 16 digit AMEX credit card number was printed on the receipt. Surprised, he crossed out all but the final four digits on the receipt. Unfortunately, this was not the exception. All of our restaurant bills in the following 36 hours were printed in exactly the same manner.
In case you don't know, thieves can quickly take card numbers and expiration dates from a printed receipt and with that, get an address and phone number from a phone book (if one is listed). With this information, Boom! your credit card can be scammed. Stolen numbers can be maxed in just a couple of hours purchasing Internet porn or electronics in just a couple hours or days, way before you can detect the damage in your monthly bill.
So what can you do to protect yourself? The Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Protection Department has a few useful recommendations for you:
- (this one is my recommendation) Always look at your bill before signing it. If the full
credit card numbers are visible, cross them out with your pen before signing your bill.
- Keep a close eye on your card during each transaction.
- Look at your statements each month and question even the smallest entry that looks suspect
by calling your credit card.
- Carry your Credit Cards separately from your wallet in a card case or enclosure.
- Sign your cards as soon as you receive them from the bank.
If you are a victim of fraud, first, report it to the police and get a police report; second, call your credit card fraud department to cancel the card and get a new credit card. By law, you will not be liable of any of the fraudulent charges, as long as you report them as soon as you detect them.
For more information on Credit Card Fraud Prevention or for help with a fraud incident, click on the following link or call 1-877-FTC-Help - Avoiding Credit and Charge Card Fraud
Posted by
lizzie from the air...
2:14 PM
Labels: Did u Know?